Grandparents’ Rights
The bond between grandparents and their grandchildren is important. No one should prevent you from having a relationship with your grandchildren. We can help.
Grandparents have the right to know their grandchildren.
Grandparents have the right under Colorado law to seek “grandparent family time” with their grandchildren. This request is usually granted if the court determines that it is in the best interest of the child.
Grandparents also may seek an order allocating them certain parental responsibilities, including custody and decision making. Before a grandparent is granted custody of a grandchild, the child’s relationship with the parents must first be considered. If there is a parent still alive, courts typically require proof that the parent is unfit before granting custody to a grandparent.
Since no two cases are alike, it’s important to seek advice from an experienced family law attorney knowledgeable on the issue of grandparents’ rights.
If you are a grandparent who wants to take a more active role in your grandchildren’s lives, now is the time to call Wayland Law.
Schedule a free consultation with with one of our experienced grandparents’ rights family law attorneys.
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